Competitive Edge
Our Competitive Team consists of both Full Time and Part Time Competitive. Our dancers compete and train in every style of dance which ensures they are well-rounded, versatile dancers giving them a competitive edge. Competitive dancers will not only be required to take their mandatory classes but as well be encouraged to participate in outside workshop events and intensives as an initiative to encourage constant learning of new, innovative choreography.
Competitive dancers are also required to take part in our annual summer intensive that features world-renowned choreographers on staff.

Our dancers learn professionalism and train to be a part of the entertainment industry. They learn key skills such as time management, teamwork, and how to be positive in a competitive environment. Regular class attendance is mandatory for competitive students, with a minimum 8.5 hours a week commitment for full-time competitive students. The mandatory core classes include ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, and lyrical. Depending on the program and age of dancers there are several electives including Musical Theatre, Lyrical, Open/Contemporary, and Pointe.
Dancers interested in joining our competitive teams must first audition. Dancers are generally placed according to ability with some consideration for age. Placement over multiple levels is also possible when a student displays higher skillsets for a certain discipline. Competitive dance requires more commitment, with the opportunity to compete at several dance competitions each year. Competitive students also have the opportunity to perform at the pre-season show and recital.

Dancers will be required to purchase costumes, appropriate footwear, makeup, and accessories for their performances. Competitive students are given a shoe and tight list for their enrolled classes. The costumes are designed by our choreographers and custom-made by our seamstress, except for hip-hop costumes (using street clothes).
Students in our recreational program or open classes may be invited to audition. If you are interested in auditioning, email us to set up an appointment. Competitive dance season officially begins every September, with our Mandatory Summer Intensive beginning in August.